SSNaP Chat: serials management,26 October 2016

Set up for the SSNaP Chat, 26/10/2016. Credit: Sharron Wilson.

SLLG member and Serials Librarian at the Advocates Library, Sharron, kicked off the group’s Short Skills, Networking and Presentation meetings (or, SSNaP chats) by hosting a small interested group at her desk in discussing serial publications administration.


Sharron has written of her experience in hosting this event:

Every member of SLLG has unique knowledge. Part of the benefit of being part of our group is sharing and learning from each others’ technical skills.

That was the premise upon which I suggested to the SLLG Committee after our AGM earlier this year that Serials Management may be of interest for a one hour informal lunchtime chat.

With some promotion by the Convenor it was a straightforward process to gather a few names of people who felt this was of interest and then the first SSNaP Chat was organised for 26/10/16.

The goal was to offer a whirlwind tour of what a serial is and then what serials do I buy, where do I buy them and what do I do with them. More importantly it was the opportunity for those attending to raise any specific questions they may have and, if I could not answer them there and then, the door is now open to have a follow up chat or meeting to discuss further. It is hard to be too specific in detail in the space of an hour but it was a great way to chat about our own experiences and knowledge and, for some, meet a few new SLLG faces.

I felt this one hour chat was beneficial and would recommend that more members offer to share their knowledge via this platform.

If anyone does have any serials related queries they would like to discuss please do get in touch.


Feedback received from this SSNaP chat has been extremely positive. The format was praised as a concept and attractive to both host and attend.

Many thanks for Sharron for taking the step to offer the first group event of this type. Many thanks, too, for those who attended. It’s fantastic to hear the idea was a success in practice. We look forward to reporting on many more SSNaP chats!


This year the SSNaP event was loosely introduced into the SLLG calendar. The concept behind SSNaP is for SLLG members (or guests) to lead small scaled sector or profession interest sessions freely for other SLLG members.

The potential formats or topics for sessions are limited only to the ideas from those who want to lead them. They can be anything, such as:

  • Single subject centred discussion
  • Presentation on a delivered project
  • Demonstration of practical “library” techniques
  • Sharing of experiences
  • Imparting skills and tips
  • Work shopping a potential new library system
  • Tour of a redeveloped library space
  • Canvas others’ advice, insight and knowledge

SSNaP meetings are intended to be quick and easily put together to slot into a working day, after hours or a working lunch hour. They can be arranged at relatively short notice, if need be. They have the structural intention so that even with only a very small attendance, those who attend will gain value from them.

It is the wonderful aspect of a SSNaP that it needn’t be in-depth, professional-trainer standard delivered or just for those with “management level” interests: it is for any member (both host and attendee) at any stage in their career to contribute and get something back at a peer level and feel comfortable in doing so.

If you would like to host a SSNaP event please contact the SLLG Committee, who will be happy to provide support and any guidance you require to help organise your own SSNaP chat.

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