Renewing Membership

This week we’ll be pressing go on emails which will inform all our existing members that it’s time to renew their SLLG membership. In the past this was a fairly labour intensive operation which involved our secretary and treasurer manually creating invoices and issuing them to every member, however this year thanks to our spangly new website we can do much of this leg work automatically online! This post should contain all of what members need to know about the renewal process.

What will happen?

An email will be sent to members via our website over the next few days. It will inform you that your membership is about to expire as of the 30th April, and that in order to regain access to the website you must renew. There will be a link in the email to our online portal; simply click the link to be taken to our payment page in order to complete the payment with a credit card.

But what if I need an invoice?

If you require an invoice to be generated for your employers to pay then please contact us by email ( so we can generate one and send it to you manually. Please make sure to include any information required to be on the invoice such as Purchase Order numbers, and your employer’s name and address.

What if there’s a problem?

This is the first time we’ve gone through the renewal process since the start of the pandemic and certainly the first time since we’ve used the website to manage our membership, so it is entirely possible that we might encounter an issue or two. As Douglas Adams would say, DON’T PANIC! Just pop us an email and we’ll investigate. Ideally this process should be quick and straightforward to use, but if it isn’t for you then we’ll come up with an alternative solution.

I used to be an SLLG member but I’ve not been receiving the newsletter and have never accessed the Members part of the website. Will I get a renewal email?

We value all our members and are terribly sorry you’ve missed out on recent communications from us. There was an awkward transfer period last year where we moved our membership list onto the new systems and one or two people have had to contact us to say they think they’ve been missed. If this has happened we’re very sorry, but we can easily fix it! Just email us with your up-to-date information and we’ll make sure you’re added to the correct contact lists.

What if I’m not a member yet, but want to be?

Just as soon as we are sure our existing members have been able to complete the renewal process we hope to activate the ability for new members to register online using our membership pages.

I have more questions.

We’d love to hear them. Please feel free to send a message to the committee by email ( or you can contact me directly (

We’re excited to get this process underway and for our members to join us for another year of excellent networking, events and communications.

SLLG Convenor

[featured image: Register of Members photo by Mick Haupt on Unsplash]

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We are a membership group for all those interested in Scots law and law information services in Scotland.

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